Jo and Sarb's Year Off

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 326 (Tue 29 May) - Lake Taupo

Sarb was still keen on fishing today so set off at an ungodly hour.

There was a deep mist over the entire town as he slowly threaded his way down to the river. Jo, very wisely, decided to stay in bed for a few more hours!

Once Sarb arrived at the river bank he took quite a while to sort out the rod as the line had got tangled up in the spinny thing. Soon enough he was off.

After about an hour and a half the sound of a van engine signalled Jo's arrival. She had driven down and soon had the kettle on!

We both had a cup of tea and some breakfast after which Sarb carried on fishing, interspersed with throwing bread for the ducks.

He didn't have much luck, and as the mist was beginning to burn off, we decided to drive down to Lake Taupo.

As soon as we reached the southern reaches of the lake the weather lifted and it was absolutely blue skies!!

Jo wrote her journal as Sarb fished on the edge of the clear lake. He didn't have a nibble but did witness some massive fish jumping out of the water and, most depressingly, just after he'd pulled his line in, a huge dark shape swam just where the bait had been!

After a couple of hours we drove off to the northern part of the lake. Stopped at a beautiful jetty where we had a great soup lunch.

At this time it was late afternoon so we returned to Cherry Island for a final attempt of getting a whopper. No luck but we seemed to enjoy spending the day relaxing.

Wandered back into town where Sarb regretfully dropped his rod back to the shop.

We both updated the internet then headed off back to our campsite.


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