Day 246 (Sat 10 Mar) - Bako National Park
Had planned to go on a long walk that would take in a waterfall. However the heavens opened and it RAINED ( [1], [2] )!
It rained for quite some time and when it finally let up at about 1pm we decided to give the walk a miss on account of how slippery parts of the walk were yesterday. They would only be much, much worse today.
Headed off to the mangrove trees with our journals ( [1], [2] ).
Headed back to our rooms, passing a little pigster, and packed our gear ready to leave t'row.
Went out to watch the beautiful sunset ( [1], [2] ) then drank our last bottle of wine and hit the sack.
It rained for quite some time and when it finally let up at about 1pm we decided to give the walk a miss on account of how slippery parts of the walk were yesterday. They would only be much, much worse today.
Headed off to the mangrove trees with our journals ( [1], [2] ).
Headed back to our rooms, passing a little pigster, and packed our gear ready to leave t'row.
Went out to watch the beautiful sunset ( [1], [2] ) then drank our last bottle of wine and hit the sack.
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