Jo and Sarb's Year Off

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 222 (Wed 14 Feb) - Songai Kolok / Rantau Panjang / Kota Bharu

Pulled into Sungai Kolok about 11.30ish am.

Really hot as we walked to the border about 1km away. We had overstayed our Thai visa by about 2 days so were expecting to be fined at the Thai immigration. By our calculations we reckoned it would come to about 2000 Baht. However the bloke at our counter seemed totally indifferent and just stamped our passports with a smile and sent us on our way.

Passed through the Malaysian immigration with very little fuss and so we were in Rantau Panang.

Had a coke at a small cafe and mulled over the merits of waiting for a bus or getting a taxi to Kota Bharu. In the end we decided that since we did not have to pay the fine that we could afford the taxi!

Took about an hour to get to Kota Bharu. We managed to get a really drab and dreary looking room just by the central market area for 49 Ringgits.

Whilst Jo had a rest Sarb went wandering. During which he managed to get his hair cut, changed our remaining Thai money into Ringitts and got some extra money for our jolly to Taman Negara.

Sarb returned after a couple of hours and Jo now wide awake we went shopping for provisions. Bought some journals, blank CD's, pens and toiletries.

Couldn't be bothered with walking round trying to find a place to eat so just ended up in the Pizza Hut next door to the hotel. Well it is Valentine's day after all!

We both phoned our respective families back at home.

Before hitting the sack we booked a taxi to pick us up at 5.15am t'row morning that would take us to the nearest train station located in Wakaf Bharu, a small town about half an hour from K.B


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