Jo and Sarb's Year Off

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Day 181 (Thu 4 Jan) - Saigon

Up at 7.30am to go to the Chu Chi tunnel complex, north west of Saigon.

Got to the main entrance a few hours later and were soon ushered into a small room where we watched a film about the tunnels.

The film was basically propaganda. It made out that before the US war that the area surrounding the Chu Chi tunnels was filled with people that loved one another, that the water and fruit was 'sweet' and that all was well in this particular corner of Eden. Of course when the wicked US turned up the local villagers had to fight to preserve their way of life against the war mongerers and did so, it has to be said, with some skill. Disturbing that throughout the film a number of 'patriots' were earmarked for special mention most notably for killing US soldiers.

After the film we followed our guide through the light forest on well marked dirt paths.

The ingenuity of the village people was breathtaking. Trapdoors that you could stand right next to and not know they were there, improvised booby traps, including pits lined with spikes, spikes that crashed down when a door to a hut was opened etc.

The walk went past some exhibits that showed how the South Vietnamese people would have lived and fought.

Next stop was the firing range. Sarb decided that he wanted to fire a rifle whilst Jo volunteered to take photos. The guns are actually mounted so that you do not get the full force of the recoil; the advantage is of course that nutters can't go on the rampage with rifles that could take the front end off a bus.

There were a variety of weapons to choose from room including heavy machine guns. Seeing as it cost 200 rhials per round Sarb elected to fire an M16 assault rifle with 5 rounds.

Even with ear protectors the report of the rifle was LOUD! Sarb was trying to aim at the barrels at the back of the range but admits he has no idea if he hit one or not. Still he seemed to have had a good time.

After the firing range we wandered off to see the tunnels at close range. We went through one of the tunnels. They are incredibly small and hot not to mention claustrophobia inducing. Jo decided to get out after traveling for about 20 odd metres. Sarb decided he liked being scared and went on through other tunnels for another 40 odd metres. How people managed to live in these conditions for anything longer than a day let alone all night or even for weeks was totally beyond us.

By the time Sarb got out he was absolutely drenched in sweat. A sobering thought that these tunnels have been widened so that Western butts can squeeze through; the ones the Vietnamese used would have been far, far smaller!

After cooling off for a while we had a spot of tea and then boarded the bus back to Saigon.

Back at the hotel we relaxed for abit before wandering round town. Passed loads of fruit stalls and sat by a fountain near the Hotel de Ville.

Had dinner at Chi's cafe; Sarb had another pie!


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